A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter A new horror/thriller hits theaters this weekend, The Black Phone. This film follows a young boy named Finney (Manson Thames) who is abducted by a crazed killer (Ethan Hawke). Finney is held prisoner in...
By Anthony Ritter Strays is the latest comedy to grace theaters, starring the voices of Will Ferrell as Reggie, and Jamie Foxx as Bug. When Reggie gets abandoned by his owner in the city, Bug and his friends must assist...
A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter Brendan Fraser makes a return to the silver screen in A24’s The Whale. The Whale centers around an obese teacher who has become a hermit. When he realizes that he is dying, he tries...
A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter Jurassic World: Dominion follows the events of the 2018 film, in which dinosaurs were released into the world. For those that don’t know, Dominion means sovereignty or control. This seems fitting since, in the...
Florida Lakes Symphony Orchestra is the professional symphony orchestra of Lake County composed of 40 to 60 musicians from all over the world. The FLSO was established in 2005 by European composer and pianist, Guy Saint-Clair and his wife,...
A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter Talk to Me is the newest scary movies to hit theaters. A group of teenagers discover that they can use an embalmed hand to communicate with the dead. The experience is addicting and they...
A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter A Man Called Otto is a remake of the 2015 Swedish film A Man Called Ove, based on the Swedish novel of the same name. Tom Hanks plays Otto, an ill-tempered widower who mourns...
A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter The Last Voyage of the Demeter sailed into theaters this past weekend. This movie gives life to the captain’s log in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”. The crew of the merchant ship Demeter sailed to London,...
A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter Plane flew into theaters this past weekend, and with it we got the first action movie of the year. Gerard Butler plays Captain Torrance who must put all of his skills to the test...
A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter Oppenheimer, the highly anticipated Bio-pic directed by Christopher Nolan, delves into the life of the brilliant physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy. The movie focuses on his pivotal role in the development...
A Movie Review By Anthony Ritter After 13 years of waiting, the sequel to the top lifetime grossing movie, James Cameron’s Avatar (2009), finally arrives to theaters this weekend. Avatar: The Way of Water takes places years after the events...