Clermont City Mayor Gail Ash is offered a pineapple, a symbol of welcome, friendship and hospitality. Pictured (L-R) City Manager Darren Gray, Lucky's Founder Bo Sharon, Clermont Mayor Gail Ash, Founder Trish Sharon

Chefs Trish and Bo Sharon, founders of Lucky’s Market, became friends while attending the cooking program at the Art Institute of Los Angeles.  The friendship evolved into a mutual love of food and each other.

In 2002, the Sharon’s were in their early 20s and engaged to be married when they were handed the keys to the family business, the North Boulder Market which Trish’s uncle and father had owned for decades. The store, now a Lucky’s Market is still in operation and is a favorite among many Boulder, Colorado residents.

The young entrepreneurs decided to rebrand the market and create a combination of some of their favorite things: a farmers’ market, a natural food store, and a corner bodega. They worked on their new business model and renamed the market, Lucky’s Market. Today the growing chain of markets are spreading across the United States.

Lucky’s held its grand opening on Wednesday, March 7 and instead of the normal ribbon cutting, Lucky’s had its cutting of a slab of bacon ceremony.

The cutting of the slab of bacon ceremony
The bacon is delicious!

I had the opportunity to speak with Brooke Armstrong, Regional Marketing Specialist regarding the newly opened organic market and its founders Bo and Trish Sharon.

Tablet: Tell me a little about the owners of Lucky’s? 

Brooke:  Bo and Trish live in South Boulder with their two sons. They love food, fun, family, and adventures. They work hard and play hard.

Tablet:  Is there any significance in the name Lucky’s?

Brooke:  Bo and Trish wanted shoppers always to feel like they were getting lucky at their store with great prices, amazing food, top-quality customer service and a warm, welcoming environment.

Tablet:  How many stores are currently open in Florida?  Across the US?

Brooke: The Clermont store is the 12th Lucky’s Market to open in Florida and 27th in the country.

Tablet:  Are all the market’s items based on healthy/organic foods?

Brooke:  Lucky’s Market is a one-stop shop for people who simply love good food. Its goal is to make healthy food available and affordable to people in all walks of life. It offers high-quality local, natural, organic, and traditionally crafted foods in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our slogan is Organic for the 99%, meaning most of our store is stocked with organic products, but then it also offers a small selection of common staple items for convenience, such as Campbell’s soup and Coca-Cola.

Lucky’s offers an extensive wine selection, craft/artisan beers, artisanal breads, cheeses, sushi, salads, deli and healthy, tasty cuisine.  Eat in or take out.

South Lake Chamber of Commerce President Dave Colby and Lucky’s Regional Marketing Specialist Brooke Armstrong

Tablet: How many jobs were created in the Clermont Area with the opening of Lucky’s?  Why did Bo and Trish decide on the Clermont area?

Brooke:  Lucky’s Market-Clermont hired around 150 new local employees. Clermont is a vibrant and growing town, and the Sharon’s were thrilled to bring more specialty, natural and organic foods at great prices to people who live here!

Lucky’s is dedicated to improving the quality of life in its communities. The Community Impact Program supports organizations that address its four areas of focus:  Healthy Communities, Youth and Education, Sustainability and Resilience.

Some of Lucky’s Community Impact Programs Include:

Bags for Change.  Every time you bring a reusable bag to Lucky’s, you receive a wooden dime and have the opportunity to donate that dime to a local organization. At the end of the quarter, Lucky’s will double the amount raised.

This quarters Bags For Change Partners are Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, Florida Urban Agriculture, and Building Blocks Industries.

Two local organizations were each presented with a $5,000 contribution in support of their projects.

Hope Community Center – to support the Adelante Caminantes and MOMS Educational Program

Faith Neighborhood Center – To buy a refrigerator and freezer for The Summer Feeding Program

See Lucky’s Video

Visit Lucky’s Market-Clermont – 1720 E. Highway 50 Clermont (Open Daily 7 am – 10 pm)