• Boat ramp not going to Hiawatha Preserve Site

Submitted by the Clermont Chain of Lakes Foundation

A vote to abandon the permit to build a boat ramp at Hiawatha Preserve has been added to the agenda for this week’s city council meeting in Clermont. The boat ramp, needed to replace the one being edged out by the city’s “Victory Point” plan, was to be located at the Lake Hiawatha Nature Preserve. The proposal has been contested since its inception because of the disruption of the natural wetlands, unsuitable lake topography, and incorrect permitting process.  No less than three lawsuits were filed against the city by private citizens and the Clermont Chain of Lakes Foundation.

Recent attendees to the city council meetings and petitions circulating have suggested that a majority of area citizens support the boat ramp to be located either at a site known as the Bell Ceramics site or to be left at the location it is at currently.  It is expected that there will be a discussion at this week’s council meeting about sites that will be considered for a new and improved boat ramp.

Presently, the boat ramp is operating at a significantly diminished capacity but the 2018 boating season is just getting started, and warmer weather means much higher numbers trying to access the chain especially on the weekends.  Clermont area boaters are hoping that the city will reconsider the Bell Ceramics site since it appears that the current site is rapidly disappearing under the construction of Victory Point.

The Clermont Chain of Lakes Foundation is encouraging a full house for this important meeting, which is Tuesday, March 13th at 6:30 at the Clermont City Hall.

The Clermont Chain of Lakes Foundation is a 501©4 corporation that was created by concerned citizens who want to preserve and protect the Clermont chain of lakes for all watersports enthusiasts, for sensible development and preservation of the lakes  and for greater access of citizens to enjoy the recreation and natural beauty of the region, and government accountability for stewardship of public land.