The City of Clermont has suspended charging $5 daily fees to use the city’s boat ramp at Waterfront Park and has issued refunds for season pass-holders. Checks for the annual $35 season-pass fees were mailed Monday.

City Manager Darren Gray said the City took this step to show appreciation to the boating community for the inconvenience due to nearby construction at the park. The boat ramp continues to be open.

Clermont’s existing boat ramp

Gray said his staff and consultants are researching the options of keeping the boat ramp at its current location or relocating to city-owned property at the east end of the park that was formerly owned by Bell Ceramics. The results of the research, along with conceptual renderings, will be shared with the public and City Council at the regularly-scheduled Council meeting on Tuesday, April 10, at 6:30 pm.

“We are working with members of the boating community to make sure we have the best solution possible,” Gray said.

Victory Pointe

For further information, see The Boat Ramp