Mike Radzik, Groveland City Council Member; Dina Sweatt, Mayor; Kim Jamison, Kim E's Flowers; and Briggett Bannon, Groveland CRA.

Kim E’s Flowers has brought smiles to the South Lake Community for over 20 years. This month Groveland CRA has returned a smile by recognizing Kim E Flowers as the business of the month for April.

Kim Jamison, the owner of the business, was thrilled by the special acknowledgment. Her staff agrees the recognition is well deserved. “She is a good friend, an excellent employer and an awesome florist”, says helper Eileen Holt.

Eileen Holt, Kim Jamison and Daysha Austin

Kim has been in the flower business for over 40 years and has no intentions of stopping any time soon.

Take time to smell the flowers.  Drop by Kim E’s Flowers, located at 350 East Broad St., Groveland (on the corner of Hwy 50 and South Hwy 33) and say Hi to Kim and her staff.