Groveland City Council, City Manager, Chief Ramsey and members of the Police Department recognize one of Groveland's finest, Officer Kevin Christie

Each quarter, Groveland Chief of Police Shawn Ramsey presents an award to one of his officers for his/her outstanding accomplishments and achievements to the Groveland Police Department and the citizens of the City of Groveland.

At a recent City Council meeting, Groveland Police Officer Kevin Christie was awarded the prestigious award by Chief Ramsey.

Officer Christie has been with the Groveland Police Department for a little over two years and during that time has led by outstanding example, stated Chief Ramsey.  The Chief went on to describe Officer Christie as a valued member of the police department who continues to display a positive attitude in his daily activities.

Groveland Chief of Police Shawn Ramsey presents the award to Officer Christie while the Groveland officers applaud his achievements.

Congratulations Officer Kevin Christie for being one of Groveland’s finest.