Pictured: Shane Johnson speaks with Steven Smith, Founder of New Beginnings of Central Florida

The featured speaker at the monthly South Lake Chamber Breakfast was motivational speaker and owner of Booyah Energy Shane Johnson.

The Pink Bow Foundation partnered with Marine Shane Johnson to launch Hike Across America, The Second Chance Tour.  The project helps teens experiencing homelessness.

The 10 City, 10 Week 10 State tour objective is to raise awareness of the struggles teens face when homeless. During the hike, Shane will cover over 3,000 miles speaking and inspiring communities, teen shelters, corporate leaders, and city officials to work together on finding solutions to support homeless teens in need while distributing over 10,000 hygiene kits to individuals experiencing homelessness across the U.S.

“I am passionate about what I do and in helping others find a process and plan that will work for their individual or organizational needs,” says Shane. “This Hike Across America is about encouraging individuals to remove obstacles that keep them down. I’ve overcome homelessness, so I’ve been there”.

This year’s Hike Across America, the Second Chance Tour will start in Las Vegas on July 4th, continue on to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St Louis, Louisville, Nashville, Atlanta, and Jacksonville. His inspiring trek will end on September 11th in Orlando.

The Pink Bow Foundation encourages businesses across the country to assemble kits and donate to charities that serve homeless teens in their area. For businesses or individuals that would like to host a hygiene kit build or sponsor Hike Across America, visit Pink Bow.