Pictured L-R: Dan Strauss, Past President; John Coyner, Treasurer; Nick Jones, Lion Tamer; Horace Harper, President; Russ Hope, Director; Tony Radogna, Tail Twister; Royal Ward, First VP; Greg Evans (Installing Officer); District Governor, Irving 'Tito' Navarro. Seated: LaShonna Perez, Secretary; Barbara McGinnis, Membership.

The Club closed out its fiscal year with the installation of new members: LaShonna Perez, who takes the reins as Club Secretary and her husband, Ruben. LaShonna is a transfer Lion from PA. and works with special needs children.

The Club’s primary fundraising program is the shooting range across from Tractor Supply on SR 50 in Groveland. It is open to the public on the second, third and fourth Saturday mornings, 8 am-noon. This past Saturday they were able to enlist three new patrons: Tom Fagan, Jacob Mareno, and Christopher Venezia.

The Club has welcomed the Groveland Police Department to share the range for its Police Explorer’s Club (for further information, contact Chief Ramsey, 321 200-5181).

A skeet shoot is scheduled on August 4 with GIVE THE KIDS A DAY FOUNDATION.  For information,contact Otis Taylor 407 864-3303.

A special award was presented by Dist. Gov., Navarro for the MELVIN JONES AWARD, the Club’s highest award for service to the community to Lion Charlie Neville.  Charlie’s dedication to Lionism is legendary having won the Crusader Award last year, given by Florida Lions as the highest award given by Florida Lions for service that spans the District and State.

The Lions Club has moved its regular meetings to the St. Matthias Episcopal Church, 574, W. Montrose St. downtown Clermont. The Club meetings are held on the second Thursdays of the month at 6:30 pm.

President Horace Harper welcomes anyone interested in becoming a Lion to contact him at 202 236-0204 or email: justharp@yahoo.com