A season of training, dedication, and team spirit has paid off for the South Lake Little League Junior All Stars.  This week the All Star Team went undefeated and proudly brought the District Championship banner back home!  Great Job!

Congratulations to the All Star Team:

James Feeley, Jackson Lewis, John Hanke, Tavion Sorval, Austin Turner, Sean Guinane, Marcus Mercado, Joe DeMeglio, Hunter Davis, Eddie Camolilla, Bobby Tracy, Keahi Louderback, Eleazar Gonzales.


Coach Jeramy Louderback, Coach Joe Mercado and Coach Joe DeMeglio.

The excited parents, grandparents, family and friends should also be acknowledged for supporting, cheering and encouraging the All Stars to victory.

Now, on to the Sectional in July.  The community wishes you the very best, though you have already proven yourselves as WINNERS.