Lake County Commissioner Wendy Breeden, Chairman Tim Sullivan, and County Commissioner Sean Parks

Three Lake County commissioners were honored at the 2018 Florida Association of Counties (FAC) Annual Conference in Orange County.

Chairman Tim Sullivan

Chairman Tim Sullivan and Commissioners Wendy Breeden and Sean Parks were honored with the Presidential Advocate recognition, which is given to county commissioners who have shown exceptional leadership in advocating with FAC during the 2018 session to advance the counties’ legislative agenda.

Also during the conference, Commissioner Parks was elected

Commissioner Sean Parks

Chairman of the Florida Counties Foundation (FCF). The organization’s mission is to promote advanced leadership training and continuing education of best practices for local governments, as well as the sharing of information among counties, cities and school boards.

“I’m honored to help lead the FCF and I have some big shoes to fill from departing Chairman, Alachua County Commissioner Lee Pinkoson,” said Commissioner Parks. “We have such a great group of dedicated and smart commissioners and staff. I’m confident we will succeed as we begin to implement new programs to help better equip local leaders and public servants.”

In response to increasing requests for education programs and technical assistance, the

Commissioner Wendy Breeden

Florida Association of Counties created FCF in 1990. FCF is a private, non-profit 501(c)3 governed by a Board of Directors which is comprised of county commissioners, county administrators, and county attorneys. The FCF also presented 39 County Commissioners, including Commissioner Breeden, with the Certified County Commissioner designation following completion of a comprehensive study program developed by the Foundation.

Launched in 1996, the Certified County Commissioner Program is a voluntary program of study designed for county commissioners to learn information and enhance skills relevant to their duties and responsibilities through a series of courses totaling 45 hours.

For more than 85 years, the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) has represented the diverse interests of Florida’s counties, emphasizing the importance of protecting home rule, the concept that government closest to the people governs best. The Florida Association of Counties helps counties effectively serve and represent Floridians by strengthening and preserving county home rule through advocacy, education and collaboration.