A referendum on the ballot for the Aug. 28 primary election will ask Lake County voters to consider a school-safety property tax of 0.75 mills, or 75 cents for each $1,000 of taxable property value.

This week, Lake County Schools launched a series of pages on its website to explain the referendum. The pages can be found at www.lake.k12.fl.us/SchoolSafety.

The pages include an overview of the need, a breakdown of the cost for a taxpayer, the referendum resolution, language that voters will see on the ballot, links to voting information on the Lake County Supervisor of Elections website and a flyer that can be printed and shared.

If the referendum passes, the tax would generate about $16 million per year to help the district cover the cost of adding resource officers and implementing mental health, alternative education and in-school suspension initiatives to support troubled students.

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