submitted by Clermont Waterfront parkrun
This weekend’s parkrun mixed it up a little from the typical paved course along the shores of Lake Minneola and instead looped around the beautiful Hiawatha park. The grass path, surrounded by towering oak trees, offered a nice change of pace and a welcomed bit of shade. 148 people ran, jogged and walked the 3.1-mile course, of whom 67 were first
timers and 6 recorded new Personal Bests. Representatives of 23 different clubs took part.
Ollie Garrod, from the UK, led the men’s side with a time of 17:46, a very impressive showing for the humid morning and slower course. Kevin Grogan got back on the podium to finish second in a time of 19:16, and third was Iestyn Rhodes in 19:31.
Leading the females was junior Kathleen Mooney in 22:04. Second was Marcia Mejia in a PB of 22:52, and rounding out the podium was Fiona Holmes at 23:06.
There were two big milestones this weekend. Richard Kramer and Joanne
Beswick both completed their 100th parkrun, congratulations!
The event was made possible by 12 volunteers:
• Sally SCHADE • Anne MCFARLANE • Kendall TRUMP • Tony TAYLOR
• Christopher CARDWELL • Jeffrey SCHENCK • Zora SCHENCK •
For further information, visit Clermont Waterfront parkrun