Eli Sweet, a member of Boy Scout Troop 784 of Clermont, recently completed his Eagle Scout Service Project. He and other members of Troop 784 presented 2  “Buddy Benches” at Pine Ridge Elementary in Clermont this July in time for the new school year.

The benches were placed at the entrance to the playground, The “Buddy Bench” is a concept where students can use the bench to let other kids know that they would like to participate in activities around the recess area, Eli collected funds to purchased the wood and other supplies.

The benches were built by several Scouts from Troop 784 in Clermont.  Many of the boys are former graduates of Pine Ridge Elementary. Eli started Boy Scouts as a Tiger Cub in 1st grade at Pine Ridge Elementary. Now, he is an Honor student as a Senior at South Lake High School.  He is completing his requirements for the Eagle Rank in Boy Scouts. Troop 784 is proud to have several of the boys earning Eagle rank in 2018.