Barney Agusto was the Club's first patron to give it a go with his new HENRY rifle.
Clermont-Minneola Lions Club has opened their shooting range to accommodate 22 cal. rifles.  22’s are not allowed on shotgun Saturdays that are exclusive for skeet and “turkey” shoots – third Saturday of each month.   Rains have begun to sprout new grass on the newly graded range.
The range is located on SR 50 in Groveland across from Tractor Supply.  Now that the Club allows 22s, mommies and daddies are encouraged to bring the kids out.  Lion Tom Sheehan, Range Master will assist in offering safe shooting training.
Coffee and donuts are usually on site, shooting starts at 8 am and runs until noon while rains and temperature are not so intrusive.  Please note, the range is open to the public on the second, third and fourth Saturdays only.
The Club is in great need of a steel shipping container to keep their tractor mower on site.  Patron are asked to please keep on the lookout for a used one.
The Club shares the range with a private security company that operates the range on Sundays when it is not open to the public.  The Club has been requesting their help in range maintenance. Lion Dan Strauss has called for volunteers to help clean up the range on first Saturdays. For information contact Lion Dan Strauss:
Patrons have noticed that Lion Charlie Neville has been missing.  Doctors have discovered very small cancer tumors on his lungs. Please keep him in your prayers.