Take advantage of a fun stroll with your family at the Sunday Downtown Clermont Farmer’s Market. This weekly event is conveniently located along Montrose Street centered between 7thand 8thStreets. It features over 60 vendors each week selling an assortment of fresh, organic and hydroponic produce, seafood, cheese, sausage, baked goods, coffee, plants, collectibles and assorted crafts.

It offers a veterinarian, delicious treats with food trucks, fresh baked foods, chef demonstrations, musical entertainment as well as other weekly surprises and seasonal themes. Many of the downtown stores and restaurants are open on Sunday mornings. The goal of the Clermont Downtown Partnership remains to continue to keep it fresh, fun and entertaining for local families and visitors. There’s always plenty of nearby free parking!

The Clermont Downtown Partnership, a non-profit Association of small business owners in the Downtown area, which operates our Farmers Market on Montrose Street.  The CDP uses their Farmer’s Market funds to create many extra Clermont events like the Fall Heritage Festival, Harvest Fest, the annual Downtown Clermont Art Festival, First Friday events and many other activities.

The Farmers Market was started 10 years ago by the Clermont Downtown Partnership to help bring traffic to the downtown area and help local merchants and residents. It was also started to create a positive community spirit with extra special events and opportunities to celebrate Clermont. The money received by the Clermont Downtown Partnership is also used to promote additional activities, advertising, and marketing for Downtown Clermont.

For more information about the Clermont Downtown Partnership and the Farmer’s Market events, contact Sandy Farnsworth at: Sandy@ClermontDowntownPartnership.comor: 352-617-8788. Visit: www.ClermontDowntownPartnership.com.

EDITORIAL NOTE: Larry Oskin is the owner of Marketing Solutions / Art Beautique, offering creative marketing, media relations and professional fine art photography services. He is a board member of the Clermont Downtown Partnership. For more information, contact Oskin at 407-395-9007 or at LOskin@MktgSols.com.