Clermont– There was a lot of drama only hours before this week’s council meeting. The Moonlight Players and their patrons were spreading the word that there was a threat that future access to the theater would be lost. They asked supporters to attend the council meeting and convince council that a threat of future development directly blocking access to the front of the entrance to the theater would not be in the best interest of Clermont.  The theater group rents the building located at 732 W. Montrose Street.

Their pleas were premature or possibly should have been voiced at previous city workshops where plans for an Art District were discussed that will provide retail, residential, and open walkways on Minneola Avenue.

The city is presently leasing the property that abuts the entrance to the theater as a much-needed parking lot. Council approved to sell a small parcel of land which will combine properties to make it a part of the Art Walk.

The owner of the combined properties has plans to make the parcels into part of the Art Walk and has 120 days to bring a detailed development plan for his property to Council. Until the plan is brought before council, it’s unsure how or if the development will have an impact on the entrance to the building.

The city had offered the Moonlight Players use of a section at the Performing Arts Center but the theater group declined the offer because the facility wasn’t suitable for their needs and they preferred to remain in Downtown Clermont.