Groveland Captain Steve Smith proudly introduced Firefighters Billy Patrick and Joe Ridge to those attending the recent City Council meeting. The traditional badge pinning ceremony followed.

“I would like to take a minute and introduce you to these two men sitting here tonight. They are taking the next step in their careers and are being recognized tonight in a badge pinning ceremony. This is a tradition in the fire service whenever one is promoted to a new position”, said Sargeant Smith.

Lieutenants Patrick and Ridge each chose a special person in his life to assist in the badge pinning ceremony. Lieutenant Patrick chose his girlfriend Angela Curtsinger. Lieutenant Ridge chose his wife Taylor Ridge.

Pinning is a proud tradition within fire departments, signifying the introduction of department members to their new duties.

Fire Chief Willie Morgan looks on while Angela Curtsinger pins Lieutenant Patrick

Firefighter Billy Patrick has been with the Groveland Fire department since 2007. He started out volunteering in November of 2007 until he was hired fulltime in December of 2008, as a Firefighter/EMT. In 2010, Patrick attended the Paramedic program at Valencia State College, which he successfully completed and passed. Patrick then moved on to the Paramedic provisional process to operate as a medic under the Medical Director. He also successfully passed this provisional testing with our Medical Director, allowing him to operate as a medic for our department. Patrick went on to obtain his A.S. Degree in Emergency Medical Services from Valencia State College in February of 2014. Patrick also obtained his state certification for Fire Officer I in March of 2018 and was promoted to Lieutenant on December 17, 2018.

Fire Chief Morgan (far left) and Captain Steve Smith (far right) looks on while Joe Ridge gets pinned by his wife Taylor

Firefighter Joe Ridge has been with the Groveland Fire department since 2007. He started out volunteering in November of 2007 until he was hired fulltime in December of 2008, as a Firefighter/EMT. In 2016, Ridge attended the Paramedic program at Lake Technical College, which he successfully completed and passed. Ridge moved on to the Paramedic provisional process to operate as a medic under the Medical Director. He successfully passed the provisional testing with the Medical Director, allowing him to operate as a medic for the department. Ridge obtained his state certification for Fire Officer I in March of 2018 and was promoted to Lieutenant on December 17, 2018.