Get Money $mart
April 23rd, 10-11:30a, Cooper Memorial Library, 2525 Oakley Seaver Dr., Clermont
Participants will learn the three basics of financial literacy: budgeting, saving and credit. Enhance your money management skills and avoid financial pitfalls. Participants will receive a free University of Florida money management calendar. Please register for this free class at
Declutter Your Life
April 24th, 9am-12pm, Lake County Extension Office, 1951 Woodlea Rd. Tavares
Spring cleaning is the perfect time to freshen up and declutter your home. Participants will learn what papers to keep and toss, how to become organized, and how to clear the clutter. Pre-registration required online at for this $5.00 class or $10 at the door. Join us for this interactive workshop and your chance to win door prizes!
4-H Youth Art Showcase
April 26th 4-7pm and April 27th 12-5pm, Lake County Extension Office, 1951 Woodlea Rd., Tavares
The 1st Annual 4-H Youth Art Exhibit and Community Service Showcase will raise funds toward supporting 4-H youth members participation in 4-H sponsored events. This event will showcase Lake County 4-H youth art as well as club community service projects. There will be items for a Chance-to-win and Silent Auction items to bid on to include zoo tickets, local gift certificates, and a two-night stay in Cocoa Beach, FL. There is no cost to attend and everyone is welcome to come out and support our youth!
Stone Fruit Field Day
April 30th, 9:30am-3:30pm, Frank Stronach Conference Center, UF Plant Science Research and Education Unit, FL2556 West Highway 318, Citra
Join us for a day of updates on peach production research in Florida. Topics covered include varieties, disease management, nematodes, fruit quality, fertilizer and more. This event is free but pre-registration is required online at
For more information, call 352.343.4101 or visit