As of Feb 1st, 2019 Boy Scouts of America became Scouts BSA and started welcoming girls. The “ALL GIRL” troop was the first to charter in Lake County and is the only all-girl troop here in the Clermont area.

The girls are taking the scouting world by storm and have become a part of history. In addition, Troop 998 welcomed 3 women who have Down Syndrome. Under the “Beyond the Age of Eligibility” clause adults with certain disabilities can join the BSA as youth participants. Scoutmaster Jeff Kelly is an Iraqi war veteran and Wounded Warrior.  Mr Jeff is an Eagle Scout and has 1 daughter already in the troop with the younger one following when she earns her Arrow of Light with Cub Scout Pack 998.

Dianne Marin is Assistant Scoutmaster and brings a wealth of scouting skills to the troop. Scouts BSA Troop 998 is for girls ages 11-17.  The troop meets on Sunday evenings 6:30-8 pm at Family Christian Center, 2500 S Hwy 27 Clermont. In addition, the Cub Scout Pack (K-5th grade) for boys and girls also meets Sunday’s from 6:30-7:30 pm. Long-standing Boy Scout Troop 998 (ages 11-17) meets on Monday evenings 7:00 -8:30 pm also at Family Christian Center.

Presently the troop is actively seeking sponsors, as well as building the troop from the ground up.  If you can help or would like more information about any of our scouting groups, email