Larry Rescoe and Toni Bell-Rescoe

The Friends of The Mike Conley Hospice House (MCHH) presented its 7th Annual Charity Gala on Saturday, March 30th, at Clermont Performing Arts Center.

Since 2013, the Friends of the Mike Conley Hospice House have worked diligently to fulfill its mission to raise funds for Cornerstone Hospice. The organization once again sucessfully fulfilled its mission at the Charity Gala raising approximate $45,000 with all proceeds benefitting MCHH.

L-R: Councilmember Ray Goodgame, Gala guest, Judy Goodgame

Dodie Schlessinger, chair of Friends of MCHH, welcomed guests to the Gala and Mayor Gail Ash gave welcoming remarks. City Councilman Ray Goodgame and wife Judy attended in support of the organization.

Jim Purvis

Chuck Lee, president and CEO gave a Cornerstone Hospice Update and Jim Purvis, committee member, spoke to the guests on the beneficial importance of creating a life endowment.

Jim Purvis, Ingeborg Pontolillo and Larry Rescoe and Family were major contributors to MCHH as well as Kings Ridge Neighborhoods of Aberdeen, Cambridge, Highgate, Remington and Wellington who raised over $150,000 to provide care for those facing end of life.

Pictured Mayor Gail Ash and Bill Delaney

The Mission of Cornerstone Hospice and Palliative Care is to make quality care available to those suffering for terminal illness by providing comfort, dignity and choice.

For additional information, visit website Mike Conley House