South Lake Chamber of Commerce celebrate success of Lake County Robotic students
More than 800 teams from 40 different countries recently competed at the VEX IQ World Championship in Louisville, Kentucky.  Lake County students proudly represented Florida.

These local students were recently recognized for their outstanding Robotic Teamwork during challenges leading them to championship status. The South Lake Chamber of Commerce and Mom’s Guide to Robotics, a nonprofit organization, are excited to spread awareness of Robotic competition and the great achievements of students in the programs.

Mom’s Guide to Robotics is a nonprofit organization with the mission to inform students and their parents of different types of robotics and STEAM programs, both competitive and non-competitive activities available.  The organization is helping to bridge that gap and connect the child with the right robotics environment that they will thrive and enjoy. “It is difficult to keep up with this ever-changing world of technology”, says Tania Thollebeke, of Mom’s Guide to Robotics. “We are looking to give recognition to our students”.

Congratulations of our Robotic Competitors, including

What goes on at a Robotic Competition

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