The Technique Academy consists of 5 individual clinic sessions over five days to improve ALL ASPECTS of participants’ racing. This is an “Elite” Academy which means that each session is limited to no more than 36 participants. Sign up for individual sessions or ALL of them by clicking register now.

Each of the first four days of the Academy will focus in detail on each of the strokes plus STARTS. A swimmer’s mindset before a race begins and the actual start are such important parts of every race, yet it is not practiced enough throughout the USA. At the Academy – that is not the case. The week will culminate on Day 5 with a focus on race preparation including crisp turns, underwater dolphin kicking and applying what was learned during the week at race pace.

At each session, instructors will be in the water demonstrating and making corrections to the participants. Video will be used to exemplify elite mechanics and race strategy. Participants will complete the camp as stronger, more confident swimmers… and with the understanding that big improvements come from small, consistent changes.

Leading each session of this camp is Elite Clinician and Olympic gold medalist Nick Thoman. Nick is one of the most experienced and requested clinicians with Fitter and Faster – “We expect past participants from throughout the USA to come to this clinic to spend five days learning from him! Local swimmers have a very special opportunity.