Find Feed & Restore gives homeless families a safe haven while they become self-sufficient. The program accepts a contribution to purchase a trailer or a donated trailer for use. Travel trailers are used as homes for the homeless.

The homeless family can stay rent and utilities free for 4 months. Each person is provided free case management services that include financial budgeting classes, credit report education, economic meal planning, interview preparation, resume writing along with professional counseling. After a 4-month period, the family begins to pay lot rent and utilities as they become self sufficient.

For less than .50 cents a day, a person’s life can be changed.  

Pastor Brian Broadway is presented a check by Beta Theta past president Joan Kyle

Beta Theta, a chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha, has supported local charitable organizations and high school scholarships for 40 years. In 2019, Beta Theta held its 15th Mardi Gras Celebration, raising over $17,000 with all proceeds given to local 501-c3 and high school scholarships. This year, the philanthropic organization chose Find Feed & Restore as one of its local projects.

Save the Date!  Beta Theta will be holding it 16thMardi Gras celebration on Saturday, March 14, 2020.  Watch for further updates as the time draws closer.