After years of planning and negotiation, the citizens of Clermont are one step closer to getting their new boat ramp.  On Tuesday night, the City Council unanimously approved a $2.49 million contract with Traverse Group Inc. The project will be funded in part by grants, financial assistance and budgeted money set aside in the master plan.

The bid award had been an item on the consent agenda, items determined to be routine and non-controversial. Councilmember Heidi Brishke requested that the item be pulled for discussion.  She said she didn’t remember seeing the plans and wanted additional time to review. Steve Franklin, a Clermont resident who helped lead the charge to move the proposed location of the boat ramp from the Hiawatha Preserve to the property known as the Bell site, reminded council that the project had been discussed for over 2 years, before the council and during numerous workshops. He noted that the council should be well aware of the plans and urged the members not to delay any longer.

The plans show an upgrade to the existing 2-ramp facility located near Victory Point and the Lake County Rowing Association Boat House on Almond Street. To accommodate the increasing boating population and provide a safe environment, 4 boat ramps and up to 10 moorings are planned.  Also included are restrooms and a parking area that will accommodate approximately 102 vehicles.

After a lengthy discussion, Clermont City Council unanimously approved the bid.  Work will begin shortly and Clermont City Manager Darren Gray expects the new ramp to be completed by the end of the year.