The City of Groveland and Lake County Robotics are hosting a special event at the Puryear Building located at 243 S. Lake Avenue, Groveland.

This event, scheduled for June 27 from 6 pm – 8 pm, launches a brand new independent FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC) team in South Lake County. FRC is for all students in grades 8-12. This team will be based in Groveland and open to all students throughout South Lake County whether in a public school, a private school and for those who are homeschooled. The South Lake team will join school teams from Lake Minneola, East Ridge High Schools and an open membership team from Eustis. The newly organized South Lake team will build robots, strong relationships, and leadership skills.

FRC team members will be available at the event on June 27, to speak to attendees, provide a robotic demonstration, and give those interested an opportunity to operate a robot used in previous competitions.

Parents, there are over $70 million dollars in college scholarships available through this International program.

Sign Up for a team project starting in Fall 2019 in Groveland. Organizers Lee Johnson and Mark Vitek will answer questions from students and advisors to form the team.

Mentors Needed: Anyone interested in mentoring students on mechanical/electrical work, programming, marketing, business planning, and public relations, stop by and speak with Lee Johnson and Mark Vitek.

Seeking Sponsors: South Lake County businesses that would consider sponsoring this new team and these fine students, contact Dan Murphy at dan.murphy@groveland-gov or call 352-429-2131 ext 2101.

RSVP to Dan Murphy at dan.murphy@groveland-gov or call 352-429-2131 ext 2101.