Submitted by Rachael Hudson

Senile Dogs: Why My Dog Is Acting Weird and What to Do

Description: Knowing that you have a senile dog is very heartbreaking. CCD (canine cognitive dysfunction) is a very common disease in dogs that show dementia symptoms. This disease is similar to Alzheimer in human beings and its symptoms include looking confused.

Most pet owners find it difficult to handle a senile dog because the behavior of senile pets is so unpredictable. The worst part is during the night when a senile pet gets completely disoriented. The most common dog senile dementia symptoms include getting confused most of the times and the pet always barks at anything especially at night.

Ways of Diagnosing Senile Dog and What to Do About It

Many at times you will never know how to tell if your dog is going senile. It is even not easy for veterinarians at times. Senile detection is done based on the elimination of other reasons that could make a pet change its behavior. The veterinarian must know everything that you have observed in the pet before performing some physical tests. These tests will determine whether the animal is senile or not.

Eight highly common senile dog symptoms:

  1. Confusion, uneasiness, and pacing.
  2. Getting lost in places that are familiar and staring at something for so long.
  3. Pooping or peeing in the wrong sections. This symptom is however not only seen in senile cases alone; ensure to eliminate other illnesses first.
  4. Withdrawing: This includes avoiding things that they used to enjoy before.
  5. Barking without any reason.
  6. Changes in appetite. These include too much hunger or not having an appetite at all.
  7. Change of sleeping pattern. Senile dogs tend to sleep during daytime hours and they stay up and demented during the night.
  8. Not responding to the owner’s voice or other dog rules like those explained by Max Polyakov FireFly. However, a dog owner here must first rule out deafness when he/she notices the dog is not responding to voice.

The Treatment for Senile Pets

  • CBD oil: This drug has become the best drug for most dog behavior problems. This drug can be used for anxiety and epilepsy.
  • Natural supplements: For instance melatonin. The pet should take around three milligrams every night. It helps in relaxing.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids: We recommended changing the dog’s diet to omega 3 fatty acids alongside other antioxidants. Research has shown that there are oxidants which improve the functions of the brain.
  • Herbs: We recommended using things like Gotu cola, lemon balm, bacopa, and gingko. However, consult your veterinarian first.
  • Anipryl or Selgian: We recommend consulting a veterinarian before you consider this treatment. This treatment was found to be good for a senile dog because it prolongs the functions of the remaining dopamine which also enhances memory and enables pets to think better.


There are many other ways of treating a senile dog. We recommend joining online support groups where senile pet owners share tips about how to correct dog behavior and the types of treatments used. There are also many materials online where you can get more information. Also, feel free to write to us if you need more information or want to clarify something.

Rachel Hudson

Author’s bio: This article was written by one of the best authors, Rachel.  She has written many other useful articles about animals. In fact, she loves animals and owns several pets. Rachel has a lot of experience in looking after senile pets. Besides being a writer, she loves traveling and meeting new people.