Groveland, the City with Natural Charm

Submitted by Marty Proctor

Groveland City Manager Mike Hein

Groveland City Manager Mike Hein and Public Information Specialist Khrystyna Tremaine attended the June 25th Lake County Board of Lake County Commissioners meeting to present the City of Groveland’s new branding as well as Groveland’s Past and Future vision.

The history of Groveland from turpentine town, to lumber town, to local commerce and business center, opened the presentation.  Mike reminded the Board that the population of Groveland has now reached the 17,500 range.  The rebranding to “City with Natural Charm” was clarified with facts about the unique topology and natural water features of the area.  When the rebranding process started, “People immediately said they wanted to have open spaces and access to nature,” stated the City Manager.  “This was the driver in the rebranding choices.”

Partnerships and exposure from groups as diverse as Duke Energy, Kroger/Ocado, Lake County and Nature Conservancy explored ways to preserve natural habitats that would provide their unique contribution to the success and growth of Groveland.

Upcoming high profile events include the Quest Air 2020 World Championship and the 4th of July family-friendly celebration at Lake Catherine Blueberry Farm, (proceeds to benefit Marion Baysinger Memorial Library), and groundbreaking of their new public Safety Complex. This momentous ceremony will take place on Wednesday, July 3, at 4 pm adjacent to the Groveland Tractor Supply. Lake David and South Lake Regional Park also partook in groundbreakings.

“We are grateful to the County for the rare and timely opportunity to discuss the history and future of the City. The City is experiencing and enjoying an environment of cooperation with the County and Commission”, said Groveland City Manager Mike Hein.

The Lake County Board members pledged their continued support for the county and state projects, including but not limited to, the State Road 50 re-alignment, parks projects, and growth management.