On Wednesday, July 3, Groveland City Manager Michael Hein welcomed residents, city representatives, dignitaries and well-wishers to the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Public Safety Complex, where he proudly described the groundbreaking as one of the most significant groundbreakings in Groveland’s history.

The long-anticipated building will house all public safety employees (headquarters for Groveland Police and Fire departments) with an Emergency Operation Center (EOC) which will be the communication center where strategic direction and operational decisions will be made in times of emergency. The  33,000 +/- square-foot multi-level building will also include an ambulance bay, training classrooms, and Groveland’s community development department.

Currently, both police and fire department buildings date back to the 1960s when one served as a bunker and the other as the city barn.

Groveland’s Chief of Police Shawn Ramsey and Fire Chief Willie Morgan each publically thanked the city and staff for their support. They also recognized the dedication of the men and women in their departments. Each member received a commemorative event medal.

Mayor Evelyn Wilson proudly spoke on the importance that the Complex will bring to the safety of Groveland’s citizens. Michael Latham, GatorSKtch Architects and Todd Mullins of Hawins Construction gave attendees a brief project design overview.

Groveland Explorers

The invocation was given by Pastor/Chaplain Sheeley and Groveland Police Explorers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

An unexpected and well-performed National Anthem was sung by Kyrystna Tremaine, Groveland’s Public Information Specialist (see additional information on Kyrystna Tremaine).

The Public Safety Complex, located at 6825 State Road 50, Groveland (Hwy 50, next to Tractor Supply Store) is expected to open in 2020.