Only a person with a pet can explain the bond shared and the love experienced between pet and owner. The pain and sorrow felt from the loss of a pet is sometimes overwhelming.

Today, I received a plea to help find a missing dog. Though the dog has been lost for six months, the owner hasn’t given up hope that he will be found.

She writes,
My dog went missing from Winter Garden on December 30, 2018 and I’ve been searching endlessly since.  I feel pretty sure he was picked up by a good Samaritan within the first 2-5 days and I’m reaching out to everyone everywhere because I can’t be sure he is still in Winter Garden.

I am desperate to find my dog. I miss him so very much.

Searching for Abbott

He’s been missing six months, but I see many stories of dogs and cats making their way home many months or years after missing.  Abbott is adorable, and I can see why someone would want to keep him.  He has no teeth, no jaw, elderly, and a fun little guy.

Please help me find him.

Attached is a flyer of my sweet dog.