Animal League

The Animal League, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity dedicated to providing a safe haven for cats and dogs, has announced the details of its 4thAnnual Charity Golf Tournament – “Puttin’ Fore Paws”.

The best thing about the Puttin’ Fore Paws tournament is that it is fun for all playing levels. Foursomes and singles are welcome. The tournament is being held on Sunday, September 29that the Mission Inn Resort & Club and will kick off with a 7:30 am check-in followed by an 8:30 am shotgun start.

Puttin Fore Paws will continue to include its signature special features: the opportunity to purchase mulligans, 50/50 tickets, longest drive, closest-to-the-pin and other surprises along the course.

Following the tournament, enjoy a casual lunch and share your course experience (including bragging rights) with the group. The price per person is $80 in advance, or $90 day of the event.

Not a golfer, not a problem – there is also an opportunity to enjoy the day at Mission Inn and learn more about The Animal League by joining the golfers at the luncheon. Lunch is from a limited menu and is $25 per person.

The Animal League welcomes any and all individuals, businesses, and organizations to participate and sponsor the event. All proceeds raised directly benefit The Animal League in their life-saving efforts for cats and dogs that may have otherwise been euthanized.

There are several sponsorship opportunities available, with different sets of benefits, ranging from $125 (Furry Friend) for course hole sponsorship to $2,000 (Top Dog Level) for your organization’s banner displayed at the event, four embroidered Puttin’ Fore Paws event golf shirts, name featured in future press releases, paid participation for 4-some in tournament, recognition announcement at lunch, recognition in email blasts, logo on our websites with link, your company name prominently displayed at course hole. Businesses and organizations interested in sponsoring the tournament should go to

“At The Animal League, we believe very strongly in the power of our volunteers and of our community,” says Heidi Brishke, Board Member and one of the tournament organizers. “They are the future of The Animal League. This tournament is a way for volunteers and members of the community alike to have a good time and raise some money for the life-saving efforts and respective programs offered by The Animal League. All of the net monies raised will go to the animals rescued. The Animal League would like to thank all of those who support us and we look forward to seeing them on the green!”

To register an individual, a team, become a tournament sponsor or join us for lunch – visit