Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year holiday. It is a time to rejoice as well as for serious introspection. It is a time to celebrate the completion of another year while taking stock of one’s life. These two days of Rosh Hashanah usher in the most important Ten Days of Repentance.

These Ten Days of Repentance or Awe culminate on the major fast day of Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement. The shofar will be sounded as a special wake-up call to prepare for the Tishrei holidays. Rosh Hashanah is respected as the Day of Judgment for the Books of Life and Death; which are then sealed on Yom Kippur.


5780 Sinai High Holidays Services!

September 21:

7:30 pm Selichot Service

September 29:

7:30 pm — Erev Rosh Hashanah Service

September 30:

10 am to 12:15 pm – Rosh Hashanah Service — Day One

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm – Rosh Hashanah Lunch & Learn

2 pm — Tashlich

October 1:

10 am to 11 am – Rosh Hashanah — Day Two: Open to the community at no charge with pre-registration.

October 1:

11 am to 12 pm – Rosh Hashanah — Day Two – Torah Study and Brunch: Open to the Community.

October 8:

6:30 pm – Kol Nidre Service

October 9:

9:45 am to 11:45 am – Yom Kippur Service

Noon to 12:45 pm – Yizkor Service

5:30 pm — Late Service

7:00 pm — Break The Fast – Following Late Service

Observe The High Holidays At Sinai! Celebrate with Jewish friends, holidays and traditions. Register loved ones for our Yizkor Book Of Remembrance. For more information about our upcoming High Holiday services, membership, Friday night Shabbat services and their special events; contact: Congregation Sinai at: 1200 West Broad Street, Groveland, FL 34736. Phone: 352-243-5353. Email Visit and on Facebook at:

Affordable High Holiday and Annual Memberships are available.