Opening 2021  – The new STEM school slated to be built at Four Corners, south 27, Clermont will be the first of its kind in Florida, built to support a curriculum that weaves in the outdoor environment, science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) as part of everyday studies for K through 8th grade.

The announcement that the innovative school was to be built in Four Corners has raised a lot of interest and questions from the readers of The TABLET. You asked, we have the answers.

Here are some things to know about the plans for the new school.

Site of New School located at Four Corners, Clermont
  • Since this school is a first of its kind in Florida, will it be solar-powered and/or wind-powered?

– Lake County Schools are still in the design phase and all renewable sources of energy are being considered.

  • How will enrollment and transportation be handled?

– Enrollment and transportation for this school will be handled the same as with any other traditional public school in Lake County. Students will be assigned based on an attendance boundary, and transportation will be provided to students within that attendance boundary using the same criteria used for all Lake County schools. If there is any capacity after students within the attendance boundary are enrolled, other students will be all Lake County schools.

  • Will there be tuition and/or fees paid by each student for STEM education?

– As with all public schools, no tuition will be charged to parents.

  • Will the STEM school operate year-round (12-month academic calendar)? 

– No, this school will operate on the same academic calendar as other Lake County schools.

  •  How will the building be used during the months that school is not in session?

– That hasn’t been determined.

  • Why was a location selected in the 4 Corners area of Lake County for the STEM School?

– This project is using impact fees, which can only be used to cover the cost of new growth. We purchased the site from the developer of the Cagan Crossings community for a school to accommodate the tremendous growth in that area.

For more details on the new school, visit STEM SCHOOL