by Clermont Historical Society

Do Your Kids Complain About Doing Chores? How many times have you said, “Did you do your chores?”  Just imagine what it was like 100 years ago before electricity in homes!  In the picture above, Dodie King, Clermont Historical Society volunteer, is showing her young helper just what was involved in doing laundry way back then.  A wringer is attached to a galvanized tub and is used to “wring” just washed items to remove as much water as possible before hanging them out to dry

On Saturday, November 9th, Dodie will once again be looking for assistants to help her do the wash as a part of Clermont’s third annual Heritage Day Festival.  She will not be the only one demonstrating early chores and crafts.  Dodie’s husband, Howard, will be there showing how to use hand tools like drills, hammers & saws and how to tie a variety of useful knots.  Local quilters will be on hand demonstrating their skill and freshly made ice cream will be available for sampling.

And that’s not all!  In addition to other demonstrations and hands-on activities, there will also be live entertainment!  Judy Jackson will be in the Music Room of the Kern House playing the Hammered Dulcimer and the October Mountain Washtub Band will be on the porch of the Townsend House courtesy of Toyota of Clermont.  Judy will be playing throughout the day.  October Mountain will perform at 11:30 am and 2:00 pm. Each performance will last one hour and may have a surprise or two.

Admission to the Festival is free but a $3.00 donation per person is requested.  Refreshments will be available for purchase at a very reasonable price.   So bring the entire family from grandma and grandpa to the little ones to the Historic Village, 490 West Avenue, on November 9th between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm and take a step back in time to a kinder, gentler era.