It was about 1766 when the British North Americana’s Carolina Colonies took up arms against the colonial officials that were viewed as corrupt. The Rebellion that lasted approximately 6 years is believed to have been instrumental as part of what lead America into the Revolutionary war against the British Monarch. Please come and learn more about the War of the Regulation.

Allan Lane resides in Central Florida with his family. He is now retired after being a Special Agent with the FBI and a commissioned officer in the USAF. His hobbies include history, genealogy, hunting and collecting historical firearms.  Mr. Lanes’ love for history led him to research his family line in the American Wars.

Presentation is open to the public, Free Admission at Cooper Memorial Library Room 108 on Thursday, November 14, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Hosted by Pastfinders of South Lake County Genealogical Society

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