photo by Hector CLEMENTE

by Kendyl Cardwell

November in Florida is a parkrunner’s dream. With beautiful weather and cheery holiday moods, we always end up with many personal records, first-timers, and fun events. This first parkrun of the month was no different: the temperatures were perfect and we had a large turnout (137 people!) filled with an impressive 34 first-timers and 28 new personal records.

Two people that were very happy to be back to enjoy this wonderful Saturday morning were Bill and Frances Post. They have spent all summer traveling around the country and even abroad, completing different parkruns in each place.  “We enjoyed this summer up in the Chicago area with family that kept us busy during the week and on the week-ends we traveled around the country visiting many new and existing parkruns. Those trips included events in the States of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Washington DC and also a couple of international locations in Wales and London where we participated at Bushy Park which is the “birthplace” of parkrun,” Bill said.

Participating in a parkrun event is a great way to meet new people and get an even deeper and more rewarding view of the unique places you visit. They had a great time experiencing different parkrun across the united states, England, and wales, but there is something special about returning home to the familiar faces. Bill and Frances are happy to be back with the Clermont Waterfront Parkrun: “Although we thoroughly enjoy our travels we always look forward to returning back to our home parkrun here in Clermont to catch up with our friends and the great team of volunteers, runners and walkers who in our opinion make Clermont parkrun one of the best parkrun experiences in the World!”

Congratulations to the female overall winner Yolimar Bolivar, who finished as the first female this weekend with a new Personal Best of 22:16. She completed her first parkrun in 2014 in 42:34, and has since dropped over 22 minutes off her time! This is also her first parkrun PB since 2016. Congratulations Yolimar!

The event was made possible by 14 volunteers:

Rissie THIELER • Kendyl CARDWELL • Hector CLEMENTE • Anne MCFARLANE • Butch HOLT • Carolyn HARMON • David HARMON • Daniel WHITEHOUSE • Shelly LINDER • Tagg LEDUC • Reeli REINU • Jeffrey STEPHENS • Joyce TUCKER • Amy SEIFER

Today’s full results and a complete event history can be found on the Clermont Waterfront parkrun Results Page.

The female record is held by Kate BAZELEY who recorded a time of 17:17 on 20th February 2016 (event number 124), and by Ani VELTCHEVA who also recorded a time of 17:17 on 18th March 2017 (event number 173).
The male record is held by James HUNT who recorded a time of 15:16 on 27th July 2019 (event number 296).
The Age Grade course record is held by Sabra HARVEY who recorded 102.90% (21:17) on 9th February 2019 (event number 272).

Clermont Waterfront parkrun started on 27th April 2013. Since then 8,598 participants have completed 28,409 parkruns covering a total distance of 142,045 km, including 4,362 new Personal Bests. A total of 389 individuals have volunteered 2,985 times.