The Women’s Giving Alliance (WGA) is pleased to announce it has awarded a $30,910 grant to Be Free Lake. The grant, announced at Wednesday’s annual grant awards dinner for the Women’s Giving Alliance, will go towards preventive educational programs for high school students at East Ridge and South Lake High Schools. The program began last year with a grant that provided the program to Lake Minneola High School.

It’s pretty incredible to work with such a well-educated and diverse group of ladies, and even more amazing to see how quickly we’ve grown and the impact we have made in five years. We have been able to invest over $154,000 into our community to benefit women and children” noted Mary Lou Wieloszynski, 2019 WGA President.

The Women’s Giving Alliance awards annual grants through a competitive application and review process. This initiative of the Community Foundation of South Lake was launched in March 2014.  The not-for-profit Community Foundation of South Lake County provides leadership to enhance the quality of life for women and children in South Lake County by identifying community needs and seeking philanthropic support as permanent funding to meet those needs. The foundation was formed on June 30, 1995, as the result of an agreement between the South Lake County Hospital Tax district and Orlando Health.

For more information about the Community Foundation of South Lake Women’s Giving Alliance, visit