Cathy Kwech, Secretary of Pastfinders was the guest speaker at the November meeting of the Clermont Historical Society. Pastfinders is an organization that is dedicated to educating the public on how to research one’s ancestors.  Founded in 1989, it currently has over 100 members but it is not necessary to join to use their services.  Pastfinders has a website, Family Tree Maker, that is available to the general public; hosts help sessions; maintains a reference room at the Cooper Memorial Library; and much more.

The relationship between the library and Pastfinders goes back to the organization’s earliest days.  They hold their meetings there, maintain their reference room on the second floor and use the computer rooms for help sessions where they instruct interested individuals and groups on how to research their family trees.  Their website,, lists many upcoming workshops and member meetings.

If you are interested in your family history, the history of the Clermont area or just history in general, why not consider joining the Historical Society?  Annual dues for an individual are only $25.00 and $35.00 for a couple.  To learn more about the Clermont Historical Society check out our Facebook page or come to one of our monthly meetings.  The meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in the Train Depot at the Historic Village located at 490 West Ave. on the shores of Lake Minneola.  The board meetings (open to the public) are at 6:00 pm followed by a presentation at 7:00 pm.  The next meeting will be on December 9th.