Windy Hill Middle School, located at 3575 Hancock Rd, Clermont, is partnering with Food Providers of South Lake to offer food to families in need from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday, November 23.

The event is called Share Day 2019, and the goal is to help fill the food void for families just prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. “It will help get families through Thanksgiving week since there is no school,” said William Roberts, principal of Windy Hill Middle School, 3575 Hancock Road, Clermont, where the food distribution will take place.

Lake County Schools provides free breakfasts and lunches to students every school day. When school is not in session, families have the added expenses of providing those meals. Roberts said the food offered at Share Day will help make that burden a little lighter.

“Our biggest goal is to make sure those kids have food for that week when they are away from school,” said Patricia Kry, executive director of FAITH Neighborhood Center, one of the many organizations that are a part of Food Providers of South Lake, a collaborative group that is providing the food and helping with distribution. Other participants include Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida, Real Life Christian Church, The Church of South Lake / South Lake Community Ministries, First United Methodist Church and Community Foundation of South Lake.

Students from the school’s fine arts program and National Junior Honor Society will assist as well.

The school gates will open at 10 a.m. and cars will proceed through a series of stops, picking up food at each one. Seasonal produce, shelf-stable items and meat will be available along with bags filled by churches with Thanksgiving Day fixings – everything except turkeys and hams, Kry said.

Anyone in South Lake County who is in need of food is welcome. The group hopes to serve at least 500 families.