Make every moment a celebration

by Michelle Delaney

No telling where life will lead us so for 2020 I am going to enjoy the happy moments.

I don’t normally make new year resolutions. I gave that up years ago. Every January 1, I’d resolve to get fit and loss weight. Six months into the year, I decided my resolution just wasn’t working. This year, I am not planning to lose weight, control my budget, get healthy.

Since this is a new decade, I’m going to, once again, make a new year’s resolution and share it with you.  Perhaps transparency may make me work harder. I’ve done some soul searching and here is my 2020 resolution:

I am going to become more empathic and less self-absorbed. I am going to be more respectful and less self-righteous. I will use the words “I’m sorry” more often. I will care less about winning and more about how that affects others.

Most importantly, I am going to be more aware of the challenges facing our youth….bullying, gun violence, drugs, social networking, neglect of their environment. Lots of Big problems for people so young.

The last of my resolution: Unlike last year, this coming New Year’s Eve, I am going to stay awake and ring in the new year.

What ticked me off the most in 2019! The words I’d like to obliterate?  “Alternate Facts”.  Lying is lying. Twisting the truth is still a lie. Next time, a parent is fed a bunch of alternate facts by their kids, they will understand what I mean.

Wishing you a Happy 2020. Let’s make this a better year for everyone.

Look back on 2019’s community news by visiting  the Tablet’s Twitter page

Are there any resolutions, you’d like to share? Visit the SOUTH LAKE TABLET FACEBOOK PAGE to share