Pictured (L-R) Cooper Memorial Library Association Board Members Michelle Delaney, Lisa Graham, Lucy Hage, Doris Bloodswoth, Library Director Boyd Bruce, Association President Caryl Harris and Mayor Gail Ash

Clermont City Council declared January as Clermont Reads History Month.  Mayor Gail Ash presented the proclamation to members of the Cooper Memorial Library board at Tuesday’s, January 14th council meeting.

After years in the making, the Cooper Memorial Association Board recently published “Clermont From Gem Of The Hills To Choice Of Champions, A History of Clermont, Florida”.

The original book, published in 1984 by residents Miriam Johnson and Rosemary Young titled, “Clermont Gem Of The Hills – A History of Clermont” celebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding.  A lot has happened since 1984 and the Cooper Memorial Library Association Board voted to update the original book.  The book was edited by Doris Bloodsworth and updated by Toni Bell-Rescoe, Doris Bloodsworth, Michelle Delaney, Lisa Graham and Caryl Harris.


The book can be purchased at Cooper Memorial Library, Clermont City Hall and ordered online at www.ClermontBook.com All proceeds will go to the Cooper Memorial Library