Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!  Hard to believe but it’s true.  Why not show that someone special how you feel with a brick at Clermont’s Historic Village?  Imagine taking a stroll through the Village together and the surprised look on his or her face when you pause by your profession of love.  For only $50.00 (less than the cost of a dozen roses that will fade and died in a few short days) you can have a permanent testament to your love.  If you act quickly, it can be in place for February 14th.

While you are at the Village you can tour the home of James & Sallie Townsend.  Their life together is a beautiful love story.  They faced many difficulties together, raised four amazing children and left an indelible mark on the city of Clermont.  Or, you can go into the original Cooper Memorial Library.  A different kind of love built this structure.  The love of books and learning.  The early settlers in Clermont donated so many of their own books that it was necessary to build this library to house them.

The Historic Village is located at 490 West Avenue in downtown Clermont, right on the shores of beautiful Lake Minneola and not far from the Historic Downtown Shopping District.  With all the new eateries opening up there, you can make your visit to the Village quite a lovely date.  The Village is open from 1:00 to 3:00 pm on Fridays and from 1:00 to 4:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.  Admission to the Village is always free but a donation of $3.00 per person is requested.

If you are interested in history in general or the history of Clermont & South Lake County in particular, why don’t you consider joining the Clermont Historical Society?  Membership is just $25.00 per person or $35.00 for a couple annually.

Visit our Facebook page to see what is happening at the Village or attend one of our monthly meetings.  Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in the Train Depot at the Village.  The board meeting (open to the public) is at 6:00 pm followed by a presentation at 7:00 pm.