The Civil Air Patrol’s Lake Composite Squadron FL-021 cadets will be assisting with the Liberty Foundation Fly-In at the Leesburg International Airport at Sunair Aviation on February 1 and 2, 2020.

The Liberty Foundation’s new 2020 “Salute to Veterans” tour will be making a stop at the Leesburg Airport at Sunair Aviation, 8806 Airport Blvd, Leesburg, FL. The Fly In is February 1 and 2,  with the event open to the public, rides beginning at 10:00 am.  It is an exciting opportunity for a civilian to fly for a Fee, in a newly painted B-17 “Ye Olde Pub” and P-51 “Mustang”.  The Civil Air Patrol Lake Composite Squadron cadets are looking forward to assisting Liberty Foundation with this exciting event for the public. The Liberty Foundation is a non-profit flying museum that maintains World War II planes.

Civil Air Patrol’s Lake Composite Squadron meets every Tuesday at 6:00 pm at the Leesburg International Airport. New members are welcome – for more information regarding meetings, call (860) 605-0738.