“You Are There, Too!” hosted by Emmy and Peabody Award-winner Charlie Grinker presents “Superstars of Sports, Up Close and Personal”

Thursday, February 13, 2020
Showtime: 2:00 PM
Clermont Performing Arts Center – Black Box Theatre
3700 South HWY 27, Clermont

On the field or in the ring, they appear superhuman. But out of the public view, what are the superstars of sports really like? Grinker mines his vault of rare film to share his award-winning interviews with these sports stars.

Get up close and personal as you’ve never been before with moments such as

  • Mickey Mantle explains that as he watched American astronauts landing on the moon, he wished he had been there to see how far he could hit a baseball in outer space.
  • Muhammad Ali explains his dismay when he orders his favorite ice cream cone and complains because the chocolate scoop is always on the bottom.
  • Babe Ruth takes us inside his gym to show off the exercise program that enables him to stay in shape, even after a lunch of five hot dogs and a couple of beers.

Ticket Link: https://clermontperformingartscenter.tix.com/Event.aspx?EventCode=1139975

Friday Night at the Black Box with headliner Ron Feingold

Friday, February 14, 2020
Showtime: 8:00 PM
Clermont Performing Arts Center
Black Box Theatre
3700 South HWY 27, Clermont

Get your weekend started at one of Central Florida’s top comedy and entertainment venues. It’s Friday Night at the Black Box Theater, a 250-seat theater that comics have dubbed the perfect venue.

Kick back and be entertained by the nation’s top stand-up comics and variety acts seen on HBO, Showtime, major cruise lines, and late-night talk shows. Come see what all the buzz is about, as you enjoy a full bar provided by Premier Event Services.

HEADLINER: Ron Feingold
FEATURE: Austin Mann
EMCEE: Big Biker George

Ticket Link: https://clermontperformingartscenter.tix.com/Event.aspx?EventCode=1139960

Mutts Gone Nutts

Saturday, February 22, 2020
Showtime: 7:30 PM
Clermont Performing Arts Center – Mainstage
3700 South HWY 27, Clermont

Back by popular demand, Mutts Gone Nuts, a smash hit featuring 10 of the world’s most talented four-legged performers and their equally-talented trainers.

Scott and Joan Houghton unleash their hilarious pooches, including Guinness World Record Holders: Feather, the world’s highest-jumping dog, and Geronimo, who holds the record for jumping rope.

All the canines in this action-packed thrill show are from rescue shelters, adding to the endearing quality of this family-friendly show.

Ticket Link: https://clermontperformingartscenter.tix.com/Event.aspx?EventCode=1139995