The East Ridge High School DECA Chapter had 65 students compete at the district level and 44 of these students made it to the DECA Career Development Conference (State Competition).

“The East Ridge High School DECA Chapter had a medal in just about every category in marketing, business and hospitality,” said Simone Seaton, Marketing Educator and DECA Advisor at East Ridge High. “We had 44 students qualify for the DECA state competition which will be held in March in Orlando with the plan to make it to Nationals in April. DECA students only compete at the district, state, and national level once a year, so this is a big deal for these students, especially the seniors who graduate in May.”

DECA, formerly known as the Distributive Education Clubs of America, provides education and career opportunities for students interested in careers in marketing, management, hospitality, finance and entrepreneurship. DECA prepares the next generation to be: academically prepared, community-oriented, and professionally responsible as well as develop leadership skills.

“The East Ridge High School DECA Chapter has grown tremendously over the years and each year we get better and do more,” Seaton said. “For the 2019-20 school year, our members have participated and organized numerous charity and community service events. Some of our charitable events include a special collection during October for GCCF and a college fair held at East Ridge with over 20 college representatives in attendance. We have also assisted local businesses within our community whenever we were needed.”

The East Ridge High School DECA Chapter is in need of sponsors to assist the group in covering expenses for its trip to the State Conference. The registration fee for the conference is $125 for each participant and this cost does not include accommodation or travel expenses. Individuals or businesses interested in sponsoring the East Ridge High School DECA Chapter are encouraged to contact Simone Seaton by calling (352) 242-2080 ext. 4672 or e-mailing