Cheryl Bedingfield addressed members of the Kiwanis Club of Clermont on the Police Unity Tour and National Law Enforcement Week. Cheryl said that the Police Unity Tour is a multiagency bike ride with participants from all over the USA.  The purpose of the ride which occurs annually in May is to “raise awareness for Law Enforcement Officers who have given their lives in the line of duty and to provide monetary support for the National Law Enforcement Officers’ Memorial and the engraving of names of fallen officers.”  The engraving of each name on the wall costs $250.

Two of Cheryl’s sons, Chip and Miles Bedingfield are involved in the Police Unity Tour.  Chip is a Motor Sergeant for Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) with the Orlando Squad. Miles is a Sergeant at Lake County Sheriff’s Office and is a rider.  This is Chip’s 10th year and Miles’ 3rd of riding with the tour. Cheryl works with a support team whose responsibility is to provide refreshments every 15 miles for riders.

There are about 11 Chapters in the United States that begin a 3 to 5 days ride at various points east of the Mississippi and conclude in Washington DC on May 12.  Team Tallahassee is comprised of approximately 200 riders from many States and Great Britain.  Chapter 8 (Team Tallahassee) begins a 250 miles ride from Portsmouth, Virginia.  Chip is the lead ride marshal for Chapter 8.  All chapters meet at (RFK) Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Stadium in Washington.  From that point, the riders proceed down Pennsylvanian Avenue to the National Law Enforcement Memorial.  On the day of the Ride through the Memorial Wall, there are many family members and friends who line the route. Cheryl said there are memorabilia left at the National Law Enforcement Memorial Wall and is later displayed in the museum.

The Candlelight Vigil is on May 13 every year.  The families of the fallen officers are brought to the National Mall by bus and escorted by Honor Guards to their seat.  At the ceremony, the names of families are read.  During the Candlelight Vigil thin blue lines light up the sky over Washington in memory of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Cheryl’s presentation was well received by the members.  At her conclusion, President Chuck Seaver presented her with a Club Pin and thanked her for a very informative presentation.