Pastfinders of South Lake County, Genealogical Society is a local group dedicated to helping others learn the science of genealogy.  Cooper Memorial Library Genealogical Room on the second floor is where the society is located.  All Programs at Cooper Memorial Library are free and open to the public. Genealogy is the study of one’s lineage or family history.  You start with names, places and dates but it’s much more than that. It’s the photos, the stories, the reasons why your ancestors moved from one place to the next. the Newspaper articles, the census reports, the land deeds, military pensions and the family will. The programs Pastfinders offers will help you learn the process involved, what to do if you have problems and how to keep it all organized. As well as special guest speakers and the occasional Saturday series of different topics to help you along your journey.

Each month the first and third Wednesday is a beginner genealogy class, bring what you know and meet in the genealogy room at 10 am. The third Wednesday of the month is the Family Tree Maker Special Interest Group, so you can learn how to keep your information organized class runs from 1-3 pm in room 221. Just stuck and need help? Come by anytime between 10 am and Noon on Tuesdays, volunteers are available in the genealogy room to assist you. The second Thursday of the month Pastfinders features a guest speaker at 6 PM in room 108. There are special events on some Saturday’s times and activities very. To learn more about these special programs please go to https://PastfindersSLC.Org “Event Calendar” or stop by Cooper Memorial Library and check us out.