You took a DNA test and now what does all these matches mean? How do I decided how they are related to me? These are the things that confuse most of us when looking at the DNA database. Pastfinders is holding its first DNA Workshop designed so you may log into your DNA website to learn hands-on how to intelligently look at the information provided and come to an intuitive conclusion. The first half of this workshop will be an overview of what DNA is along with terminology and other important information. After which the room will be broken up into groups depending on the testing company to learn about that company’s database and how to work with your matches.
Go to PastfindersSLC.Org to register for this free workshop. Seating is limited.  Requirements: You must have Autosomal DNA test results with access to your matches, a family tree hopefully 4 to 6 generations back, a device to access your DNA testing site on and Passwords. The workshop will be held at Cooper Memorial Library on the second floor, March 28th, 9 am – 1 pm. If you have any questions please call Anjanette at (407) 509-1754