On Thursday, March 5, Cheryl A. Hall of Clermont turned herself into the Lake County Sheriff’s department and was charged with 10 counts of submission of false voter registration information. Falsifying voter information is a criminal offense according to Florida law.

“My office became aware of a potential problem last week when several voters contacted our office after receiving new Voter Information Cards indicating their party affiliation had been changed from Democrat to Republican,” said Alan Hays, the Lake County Supervisor of Elections. “Several of the voters told us that the only thing they had filled out was a Candidate Petition form, yet we received a Florida Voter Registration Application form with one or more inaccurate representations as well as what appears to be forged signatures.” 

“After looking at these initial complaints, our staff expanded their review to recently submitted voter change forms and began to narrow in on one individual, who appeared to be the source of the false registrations,” said Hays.

Hall, age 63, is an employee of Florida First, a company involved with soliciting voter registration.

The most significant impact of these false registrations is that previously registered Democratic voters may have unknowingly had their voter registration changed to Republican. 

To check your voter file, go to https://www.lakevotes.com/