As the members of the Clermont Historical Society tell visitors to the Historic Village, “The Village is a partnership between the city of Clermont and the Historical Society.  The City owns the buildings…”  In keeping with this statement, the Clermont Historic Village is closed and will remain closed as long as all other city owned buildings are. If you are taking a walk along the trail and would like to make a little detour and stroll through the Village and even peek in the windows, please, feel free.  But, the buildings will all be shut and no volunteers will be there conducting tours.

These are uncharted times.  It has been 100 years since America and the world faced a situation like this and the world is a very different place now.  World travel, which has obviously helped spread this virus, is much more common.  As lovers of history, the Historical Society feels that even with the changes that time brings, we can learn from the past.  Cities that did not call an end to large group functions—even open air events—suffered greatly from the Spanish Flu.  Cities that did end such events, faired far better.  The city of Clermont is being very cautious and putting the health of its citizens and visitors as a high priority.  We proudly support their decision.

Be strong, stay healthy and the Village will be here for you and your friends when this is all over.