By Michelle Delaney, South Lake Tablet

As of Tuesday, April 21, all 67 Florida counties have confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Globally, COVID-19 has infected 2,501,156 people and is responsible for the deaths of 171,810; in the United States, the total number of infected has risen to 788,920, killing 42,458.

In Florida, COVID-19 has infected a total of 27,495 people; 4,063 people have been hospitalized and 839 people have died as of this morning. Numbers are increasing as the number of people tested increases. In Lake County, 213 people tested positive for COVID-19, 100 from South Lake County. These numbers appear to be only a small percentage of the population but consider, it has been difficult to get tested unless you showed symptoms or came in contact with someone with the virus; and it is difficult for some to get to a location offering the test.

These numbers shouldn’t make you anxious but concerned; after all, we are a resilient diverse, and caring people.  We Can Handle The Truth.

We may be able to flatten the curve, but can we sustain the spread of COVID-19? We have lost so much in only the past few months, and cannot afford to wait until the virus miraculously goes away. Unfortunate delays, miscommunication, confusion, and uncertainty have already lowered the morale of the American people

Only a few months ago, the virus was considered only lethal to the elderly. Now, it is found to infect all ages, all walks of life. It’s all-inclusive and easily transmitted.

There is so much to learn about COVID: Where did COVID-19 actually originate?  Why do some people show no symptoms but are carriers, others suffer minor symptoms, and the most unfortunate experience severe complications or death?  When can a vaccine be safely distributed?

Only recently has testing been ramped up to include a cross-section of the population, which is the quickest and best way to scientifically evaluate and, hopefully, develop a vaccine to control the rapid spread. Recent COVID viruses (Ebola, SARS, MERS, ) are becoming more deadly. Our Global community needs universal government funding to provide scientific proven solutions to these global pandemics.

No person or country should be so arrogant to Not accept the help of another. It’s outrageous to believe today’s political leaders have the knowledge or the experience to lead us forward during the challenges of a pandemic. While our elected officials argue and point fingers at who (state or federal) should be buying face masks and gloves and why a state needs so many medical supplies, our medical caregivers are sacrificing their lives for us. Our health caregivers and first responders are the heroes.

People, there is no need to protest. All of us want the same thing…to return to life as we know it.  The good news, we have learned how to control the spread of the virus with a few simple steps:

STAY HOME, And Only Go Out When Necessary

-Wash hands often.
-Cough into your elbow, not your hand.
-Don’t touch your face if possible.
-Distance yourself 6-feet from others.
-Wear a facemask when out
-Clean areas which may be infected

Recognize the Common Symptoms of COVID-19:

Headache, fever, cough, shortness of breath

If you have any of the following symptoms, Go to the ER

-Difficulty breathing,
-Persistent pain or pressure in your chest
-New confusion or not able to wake up
-Bluish lips or face

More Information on COVID-19

To find the most up-to-date information and guidance on COVID-19, visit the Department of Health’s dedicated COVID-19 webpage. For information and advisories from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), visit the CDC COVID-19 website. For more information about current travel advisories issued by the U.S. Department of State, visit the travel advisory website.

For any other questions related to COVID-19 in Florida, please contact the Department’s dedicated COVID-19 Call Center by calling 1-866-779-6121. The Call Center is available 24 hours per day. Inquiries may also be emailed to